
Showing posts from November, 2016

Knowledge is limited?

 Can we see what a bare human eye cannot see? We may say that we do it right now, but in reality we don't. If a bare human eye can't see a particular thing then scientists and engineers cooperate to invent a technology that will enable humans to do so. Miroscopes, telescopes- they were produced to enable humans to see what is not possible to be seen for a human eye. But is it possible for humans to gain knowledge in sciences when they cannot actually see a phenomenon?  There are scientists that claim a possible knowledge claims without actually seeing a phenomenon, however, it is never called a fact. Even apart from sciences, in every day life people usually do not believe if they have not seen that. For example, 2 weeks ago when the US elections ended I was at school and my friend told me that Donald Trump won the elections. I could not believe that. Even though I knew he was a strong candidate, but the media that I was surrounded, social media, celebrities talk...

Why we might never find all the answers

 Since I was little I always loved sci-fi movies. Expolring the universe and interstellar journeys fascinates me even right now. Recently, I've been particularly interested in the first human journey to Mars. right now NASA with cooperation with other international companies are testing new rockets and technology that would be able to take men kind to Mars in the near future. I watched plenty of documentaries and conferences about the obstacles that right now unables NASA to complete this mission. 2 particularly interesting videos about sending humans to Mars which made me think about this issue   As I was watching I thought a lot about the obstacles that scientists need to overcome in order to send humans to Mars. Of course the cause of these obstacles is our current knowledge which unables scientists to produce more technologically developed devices.  But what is really an obstacle? Is it our knowledge or is it the important materials which do not exist?...

Way of knowing: Language

On last week's ToK classes we were discussing ways of knowing. What interested me the most was language. Language is a way of passing on information, knowledge but also our thought and beliefs to other people. We can ''implant'' our thought into somebody's mind. (as Mark Pagel said in this TED Talk: Language in terms of acquiring knowledge is powerful. Without it we wouldn't be able to learn as quickly as we do it now. School, universities but also other people use language as a main tool to teach others. However, this powerful tool not only can help us acquire knowledge so can the language influence our lives? Because we are constantly surround with words and various language structures, people often use them to influence others. To by using emotional language create an image in somebody's mind that will help convince this person that something is either right or wrong. We often see it in political, religious and controversial speeches. So if ot...